Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ask Amy a stupid question

Oh, the lady from Ask Amy is earning her large paycheck, let me tell you.

Dear Amy: My son went to a birthday party for a boy he knows from school.

He asked the boy what he liked and was told certain types of toys. We bought one for him, and when my son got to the party his was the only "real" present.

All the other children gave the birthday boy gift cards!

How disappointing. Half the fun of presents is seeing the wrapped packages and wondering what is in them.

Some of the givers didn't wrap the gift cards, or even put them in an envelope!

Dear Martyr:
Let me get this straight...You're seeking advice because your bratty kid didn't get to watch some other bratty kid rip open a bunch of cheap toys? How's the brave little soldier holding up? I hope, after suffering such a trama, you have him on constant suicide watch. Maybe the Pope can say a prayer for him and all the other victims of gift card-mania!

Little kids don't care about "seeing the wrapped packages and wondering what is in them" unless said kid is a complete tool. Regular kids, the ones who don't poop their pants when they sneeze, only care about the loot.

You know, the more I think about this stupid letter the angrier I become. The best thing you can do for this boy is stuff him into the trunk of your car and drive into a large body of water, because with you as his parent he's better off dead.


Unknown said...

*presents Todd with a gift card*

Maddie said...

I'm now afraid of sneezing.

Sue Carroll said...

Um, I realize this issue doesn't warrant a letter to an advice columnist, but...

I kinda agree with the letter writer. Not because her kid "deserved" to watch presents being opened, but because those card-givers were a bunch of lazy bastards.

Scarlet Hip said...

What's wrong with pooping when you sneeze?

Fella said...

You didn't really offer her any advice. I mean, other than "kill your son, then yourself".

xtine said...

Some of you are missing the whole point of this blog...

John said...

Stories like this one remind me why I'm glad I never procreated. Comments like these remind me that I hate people intensely. Especially Nick.

Ubermilf said...

Poop sneezing is no joke.

Anonymous said...

So this poop sneezer walks into a bar...

Kelly Hudgins said...


It's too f*ing hot around here and I need more wickedness to get me through!

CSuave said...

"Amy" we miss you and your mullet!!!

Beverly said...

=( you need to put some more advice in soon!!

jazzbonejoe said...

Hey man, where's new advice? Did you abandon this blog?

Christi Lee said...

Argh! Post already! I did my own answers to a dear Amy for a few letters.

Ask Amy and Other Stuff

But, you seriously rock my world, so hurry back! Let's tag team!